7月25日 每日經歷神


標  題:行事為人要相稱

經  節:只要你們行事為人與基督的福音相稱。(腓立比書一章27節上)




Walking Worthy

Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of
Christ. (Philippians 1:27)

Paul never lost his wonder at having been called by
God. He understood that the way he lived ought to be worthy of the King who had
chosen him. He knew that the mystery of the gospel had been hidden for
generations and had only been revealed in his day through the life, death, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ (Col. 1:26–27). Paul also understood that until
people accept the gospel, they are spiritually dead and therefore without hope
(Col. 2:13). As a result of God’s plan of salvation, those who trust in Jesus
are not only made alive in Christ but are also adopted as the Father’s children
(Rom. 8:16–17). Paul recognized that though the Gospel sounds like foolishness
to the world, it is the power of God that brings eternal life to those who
accept it.

Because Paul’s life had been radically transformed
by the gospel, he was intent on living to honor the gospel that gave him life.
It would have been tragic to receive the riches of the gospel and then to live
as a spiritual pauper. It would have been disgraceful to be saved from death by
the blood of Christ and then show no reverence for that sacrifice. It would
have been foolish to accept such love from Christ and then to resent what He
asked in return.

The way you live your life ought to be a tribute to
the matchless grace that your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has bestowed upon

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