5月5日 每日經歷神


標  題:我是

經  節:神對摩西說:「我是自有永有的」;又說:「你要對以色列人這樣說:『那自有的打發我到你們這裡來。』」(出埃及記三章14節)





And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.”
And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent
me to you.’ ” (Exodus 3:14)

When Moses encountered God in the burning bush, he
still had much to learn about his Lord. Moses was impressed with the miracle
before him (Exod. 3:3). However, it would take much more than a burning bush to
lead Israel out of captivity from the most powerful nation of Moses’ day. Would
the same God who could cause a bush to burn without being consumed also be able
to do what was necessary to deliver a multitude?

God’s answer was, “I AM!” That is, “Moses, I’ll be
whatever you need Me to be as you carry out my assignment. If you need
miraculous signs in order to convince Pharaoh, then that is how I will express
Myself. If you need Me to interrupt nature and part the waters of the Red Sea,
then I will demonstrate Myself in that way. If you require food and water, then
I will be your provider. If you are afraid, I’ll be your strength.”

At the beginning of Moses’ walk with the Lord,
Moses had no idea all that he would need God to do for him. Yet each time Moses
faced a need, He learned something new about God. Moses came to realize that
there was much more to God than a burning bush. What if Moses was so enamored
with his experience at the bush that he built a tabernacle on the spot and
established “The Church of the Burning Bush”? He would have missed out on so
much more that God wanted to reveal to him! Think back to your understanding of
God when you first began walking with Him. How have your experiences expanded
your knowledge of Him?

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