1月12日 清晨甘露





are Christ’s.” –1 Corinthians 3:23

Ye are Christ’s.” You are His by donation, for the Father gave you
to the Son; His by His bloody purchase, for He counted down the price for your
redemption; His by dedication, for you have consecrated yourself to Him; His by
relation, for you are named by his name, and made one of His brethren and
joint-heirs. Labour practically to show the world that you are the servant, the
friend, the bride of Jesus. When tempted to sin, reply, “I cannot do this
great wickedness, for I am Christ’s.” Immortal principles forbid the
friend of Christ to sin. When wealth is before you to be won by sin, say that
you are Christ’s, and touch it not. Are you exposed to difficulties and
dangers? Stand fast in the evil day, remembering that you are Christ’s. Are you
placed where others are sitting down idly, doing nothing? Rise to the work with
all your powers; and when the sweat stands upon your brow, and you are tempted
to loiter, cry, “No, I cannot stop, for I am Christ’s. If I were not
purchased by blood, I might be like Issachar, crouching between two burdens;
but I am Christ’s, and cannot loiter.” When the siren song of pleasure
would tempt you from the path of right, reply, “Thy music cannot charm me;
I am Christ’s.” When the cause of God invites thee, give thy goods and
thyself away, for thou art Christ’s. Never belie thy profession. Be thou ever
one of those whose manners are Christian, whose speech is like the Nazarene,
whose conduct and conversation are so redolent of heaven, that all who see you
may know that you are the Saviour’s, recognizing in you His features of love
and His countenance of holiness. “I am a Roman!” was of old a reason
for integrity; far more, then, let it be your argument for holiness, “I am

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