12月22日 竭誠為主







22 The Drawing Of The Father

man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent Me draw him.” John 6:44

When God
draws me, the issue of my will comes in at once – will I react on the
revelation which God gives – will I come to Him? Discussion on spiritual
matters is an impertinence. Never discuss with anyone when God speaks. Belief
is not an intellectual act; belief is a moral act whereby I deliberately commit
myself. Will I dump myself down absolutely on God and transact on what He says?
If I will, I shall find I am based on Reality that is as sure as God’s throne.

In preaching
the gospel, always push an issue of will. Belief must be the will to believe.
There must be a surrender of the will, not a surrender to persuasive power, a
deliberate launching forth on God and on what He says until I am no longer
confident in what I have done, I am confident only in God. The hindrance is
that I will not trust God, but only my mental understanding. As far as feelings
go, I must stake all blindly. I must will to believe, and this can never be
done without a violent effort on my part to disassociate myself from my old ways
of looking at things, and by putting myself right over on to Him.

Every man is
made to reach out beyond his grasp. It is God who draws me, and my relationship
to Him in the first place is a personal one, not an intellectual one. I am
introduced into the relationship by the miracle of God and my own will to
believe, then I begin to get an intelligent appreciation and understanding of
the wonder of the transaction.

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