5月21日 每日经历神


标  题:明显的不同

经  节:他们见彼得、约翰的胆量,又看出他们原是没有学问的小民,就希奇,认明他们是跟过耶稣的。(使徒行传四章13节)




A Noticeable Difference

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John,
and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And
they realized that they had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)

There is no mistaking a life transformed by God!
The disciples had been vain and fearful when Jesus enlisted them. James and
John sought to outmaneuver their fellow disciples in order to gain the places
of greatest honor next to Jesus (Mark 10:37). Over and over the disciples’
actions showed that they did not truly understand who Jesus was (John 6:7–9;
Mark 6:49). Even after three years with Jesus, Peter was afraid to confess
Christ before a young servant girl (Matt. 26:69–75). Anyone who knew these men
would realize they were not the kind of people on which you build a worldwide
kingdom. Yet something happened to them as they were with Jesus. The Holy
Spirit transformed them, giving them new boldness and wisdom. Now they could
perform miracles and preach fearlessly and persuasively to multitudes. Even
their enemies noticed in their changed lives the same power they had witnessed
in Jesus.

Sometimes we desperately want others to believe
that we have changed, that we are more godly, more devoted, more
Spirit-controlled. It is not necessary, however, for those who have been truly
transformed by Christ to convince others of the difference; the change will be

Don’t become too introspective, always focusing on
yourself and the small changes you see happening over time. As you walk with
Jesus daily, let the witness of the changes taking place in you come from
others and not from you. If you have to prove to someone that God has really
changed you, He has not. Those around you will surely notice when your life has
been transformed by your relationship with Jesus.

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