7月6日 竭诚为主

76 异象与现实







6 Vision And Reality

And the parched ground shall
become a pool.” Isaiah 35:7

We always have visions, before a thing is made
real. When we realize that although the vision is real, it is not real in us,
then is the time that Satan comes in with his temptations, and we are apt to
say it is no use to go on. Instead of the vision becoming real, there has come
the valley of humiliation.

Life is not as idle ore,

But iron dug from central gloom,

And batter’d by the shocks of doom

To shape and use.”

God gives us the vision, then He takes us down to
the valley to batter us into the shape of the vision, and it is in the valley
that so many of us faint and give way. Every vision will be made real if we
will have patience. Think of the enormous leisure of God! He is never in a
hurry. We are always in such a frantic hurry. In the light of the glory of the
vision we go forth to do things, but the vision is not real in us yet; and God
has to take us into the valley, and put us through fires and floods to batter
us into shape, until we get to the place where He can trust us with the
veritable reality. Ever since we had the vision God has been at work, getting
us into the shape of the ideal, and over and over again we escape from His hand
and try to batter ourselves into our own shape.

The vision is not a castle in the air, but a vision
of what God wants you to be. Let Him put you on His wheel and whirl you as He
likes, and as sure as God is God and you are you, you will turn out exactly in
accordance with the vision. Don’t lose heart in the process. If you have ever
had the vision of God, you may try as you like to be satisfied on a lower
level, but God will never let you.

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