9月1日 每日经历神


标  题:若寻求祂

经  节:你们若顺从耶和华,耶和华必与你们同在;你们若寻求祂,就必寻见;你们若离弃祂,祂必离弃你们。(历代志下十五章2节下)




If You
Seek Him

LORD is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by
you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. (2 Chronicles 15:2)

response to God greatly determines His presence in our lives. If we seek God
with all of our hearts, then we will find Him (Jer. 29:13–14). The Lord wants
to have fellowship with us, but He will not force a relationship upon us. We
cannot reject fellowship with God and expect Him to remain near. He does not
merely follow us throughout our day in case we need His assistance. If we
continue to forsake Him, a time will come when we desperately need Him and He
will not be near (Isa. 59:1–2).

is an affront to sovereign God to treat Him like a servant who should wait upon
us. God will relate to us on His terms, not ours. God desires a close walk with
us. He will make His presence real and personal if that is our desire. If we
repent of our sin and seek God on His terms, we can look forward to intimate
fellowship with Him (James 4:8–10). We are to continually seek Him, not content
to enter a new day without the assurance that God is walking beside us.

you say you want to experience God’s presence while your actions reveal
otherwise? If you say you want to know God better but neglect studying His
word, are you truly seeking Him? Have you regularly forsaken the place of
prayer? If your actions reveal that you are genuinely seeking God, then He
promises that you will find Him (Matt. 7:7).

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