哥林多后书 9:6~11
- 保罗在哥林多前书9:6-11,谈论了物质需要的问题,还有我们如何在面对经济压力的时候还能够不被压垮。我们也想很慷慨的捐助,可是到我们该拿钱出来的时候我们发现那其实并不是那么容易。这也是哥林多信徒在当时遇到的情况。
- 为了鼓励哥林多信徒,并说出他们内心的害怕和担心,保罗就借着“收获的法则”来提醒他们:如果你给得多,那你积累的也越多。要把这个法则运用到我们的钱财管理上。
- 保罗提醒哥林多信徒,如果他们拿出信心,上帝一定会借着供给他们一切所需用的,来祝福他们,帮助他们履行自己的诺言。
- 在这里保罗所做的不仅仅是筹款,他是在谈论一种生活的方式,而不是这一次性的奉献。按照保罗的话来说,我们处理经济压力最好的方法就是慷慨捐助。
A Crop Is A Crop
- In 2Corinthians 9:6–11, Paul addresses the issue of material need, and what it means to be unbreakable in the face of financial pressure.
- In order to encourage them, and to address their fears, Paul reminds the Corinthians of the law of the harvest: the more you give, the more you gather.
- Paul’s talking about a lifestyle and not just a one-time offering. If you want to be unbreakable in the face of financial pressure—if you want to have something to show for your life when it’s over—give generously.